Friday, June 29, 2012

Verizon Wireless Reverse Phone Lookup Free?

Doing a Verizon wireless reverse phone lookup is no different than doing a T mobile or Sprint reverse cell phone look up. These services are all connected and work in the same manner, so do not get hung up on which provider you are looking for.

So you want to stop that prank caller right? That's understandable, but remember to use this information for only the good. What you are going to want to do here is actually open a new browser and go to Google and see what you can find that they have indexed.


So if you're looking for a cell phone users information then you will enter this in Google. Now I will say this method only has perhaps a 10-30% success rate, but its worth a try. Type in the number you are looking for with quotes, so it would look like "xxx-xxx-xxxx." This actually tells Google to only look for this exact number.

Verizon Wireless Reverse Phone Lookup Free?

If you get a result you might not need a Verizon wireless reverse phone lookup or other service, because odds are if the number is listed then the users information is also. But if you came up with nothing then you are one of the unlucky ones who might need to use an actual reverse cell phone service. But don't worry, the services are instant and give you the info you are looking for right away.

I hope this information has helped you find the information you are looking for. Remember that you can always find the data you are looking for and there are different methods, you can check out a surefire way to do a Verizon wireless reverse cell phone lookup in my bio below. Good luck!

Verizon Wireless Reverse Phone Lookup Free?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Verizon Wireless Reverse Phone Search - Looking Up Verizon Numbers in Reverse Search

Verizon Wireless reverse phone search can help you identify unknown numbers that show up on your missed call list. Most of the information surrounding those unknown phone numbers can be obtained through search engines or by using the Verizon Reverse Lookup site, however, the information is purely limited to numbers that are can be viewed by the public. Other types of numbers are listed as private numbers or cell numbers. As a rule, it is illegal for mobile phone wireless providers to provide phone directories to the public. The United States Congress is in the process of passing a law prohibiting any type of mobile phone directories to be created or made available. As of the moment, the only way to find people by phone no. is through private reverse search sites.

Finding a Verizon Number Online


There are other ways of locating a Verizon phone no. even without an official Verizon directory on hand. You would need to do extra research online though to find these sites. For example, you can use sites like Reverse Phone Detective to check whether the number belongs to a Verizon customer. This site provides very accurate search results. It also offers one-time search options, money-back guarantee, and friendly customer service. This site has the most up to date database for cellular numbers. You can even conduct a preliminary search on the site for free. If you would want further information such as complete address, complete name of the owner, business, and other information, you would need to pay a certain fee.

Verizon Wireless Reverse Phone Search - Looking Up Verizon Numbers in Reverse Search

When looking up for third-party providers, makes sure to exercise caution. Because of the abundance of these providers online, the reliability and the cost can vary significantly. In addition, some of these "free cell phone lookup sites" are really frauds. What they do is they sell your mobile number and information to data brokers once you have signed up in their database. In the end, they will just redirect you to paid cell phone lookup sites.

Conducting a Verizon Wireless reverse phone search is not that hard once you can find reliable sites that can achieve the results you want.

Verizon Wireless Reverse Phone Search - Looking Up Verizon Numbers in Reverse Search

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Can You Trace Mobile Phone Numbers For Free?

It is not easy to trace a mobile phone number unlike landlines. You cannot simply dial Information and inquire about a mobile phone number as they are usually not listed in directories. Lately, you can call and ask a company for a trace of a phone number but a fee will be charged for the service or search. However, not much information can be given. Many methods can be used at the moment to trace a mobile phone number for free.

Simple Search on the Internet - This is the simplest way to trace a mobile phone number for free. The mobile phone number is entered on the search site and some information about the mobile number will be obtained for free. The internet is a storage of vast information and the mobile phone number could be listed for many reasons thus it is likely to work well. People may forget or not know for what reason their number is listed on the web and it might be on any site such as a network site or a business site.


You can try inputting the entire number with the area code on the search site. If that yields an overwhelming quantity of search results, then the number can be inputted by placing the main number in quotations except the area code such as: 555 "555 5555". Another way to narrow down the search is to use the state or city of the area code of the mobile phone number, if that is known.

Can You Trace Mobile Phone Numbers For Free?

Reverse Search Sites - Reverse search sites are the most reliable and accurate way to trace cell phone numbers. You can search phone numbers for free to see how many results are in the database, but to access the name, address and other information, you will have to pay a fee.

Volunteer Directory - This will only work by chance if the phone number of the person that you are looking for has his/her number and contact information listed voluntarily in a volunteer directory. If not, then no information will be found. The mobile number can be traced free of charge.

Protect your Privacy! Having known the ways to trace a mobile number, you might want to block your mobile phone to protect your privacy if you don't want your identity known.

Although you can't get all the information you need on the internet, it gives you the possibility to trace a mobile phone number for free to see how much information may be available.

Can You Trace Mobile Phone Numbers For Free?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Major Challenges Facing Nonprofits

Information abstracted from regional and national studies concerning the challenges facing nonprofits indicates that several issues are shared as concerns for nonprofit leaders. Board development and fundraising and are the main issues for nonprofits with a secondary emphasis on difficulties related to improving operations and more effectively managing resources.



Some fundamental concerns were commonly identified in the studies, which surveyed nonprofit executive directors and board members. Five major themes clearly emerged from the various reports' inventories of issues. These suggest areas of the most pressing needs as indicated by nonprofit leaders:

Major Challenges Facing Nonprofits

1. Board Development - Building an active and strategically oriented board of directors was the most frequent concern. Specific issues identified were:

· Recruiting high-impact board members

· Cultivating a dynamic and effective culture among board members

· Fostering a strategic orientation for boards

2. Marketing/Fundraising - Developing effective marketing programs to recruit and retain donors was also a high priority. In particular, respondents were concerned about:

· Applying marketing/communications techniques to donor contact activities

· Expanding their current donor base

· Increasing donations from current donors as well as enhancing donor loyalty and retention

3. Information Management - Utilizing effective information management for measuring and evaluating operations and programs was also very important.

· Establishing a clear set of quality benchmarks for assessing services

· Using IT to reduce costs and create value

· Evaluating programs/services against key performance measures

· Establishing a better model for measuring and reporting outcomes

· Measuring the real benefit of development and marketing investments

· Devising a consistent approach for measuring organizational performance and impact

4. Human Resources - Attracting, developing and retaining productive staff and volunteers was a critical concern:

· Attracting and retaining skilled staff

· Attracting skilled, motivated volunteers

· Developing a leadership transition and succession plan

· Improving workforce performance

· Providing ongoing training and skill building

5. Collaboration - Pursuing constructive alliances, partnerships, and mergers was also a significant issue.

· Developing collaborative partnerships with public sector agencies, including government

· Forging collaborative partnerships with the private sector

· Pursuing mergers with overlapping services/agencies

Extrapolating from these topics, a sixth theme is implied as a supplementary concern:

6. Business Proficiency - the need to embrace the business skills and processes essential to effectively addressing the needs identified in these five major themes.


Several changes in the operating environment of the nonprofit sector are impacting leaders' perceptions of the issues facing them.

Funding Challenges - Many nonprofit organizations are simultaneously facing a rapidly changing funding environment and a steadily rising need for services from the communities they serve. Reduced or tightly focused government funding is placing great pressure on the sector, which has also experienced a proliferation of new nonprofits during the past decade, thus increasing the competition for a smaller pool of funds. Countless nonprofit organizations are feeling the impact of federal reductions to their core funding streams at the same time foundation endowments and giving are down and many state and municipal governments are experiencing deficits that are reflected in reductions in spending on social programs.

Accountability Pressures - As a result of a few high profile cases, nonprofits are facing powerful accountability pressures to provide measurable proof that the services they provide have an impact on the communities and populations they target. Funders and the public want to know in detail if the funded organization is effective in doing what it sets out to do and if it is also efficient at what it does. While gaining and keeping the pubic trust is absolutely essential, calls for accountability can lead nonprofits to spend more time searching for financial support and accounting for funded task performance in order to continue receiving funding from the source. This can cause nonprofits to be more business-like but may also draw attention from responding in innovative or distinctive ways to community and/or client needs.

Collaboration Fascination - Government and foundation funders are increasingly requiring the use of interorganizational relationships such as collaboration, partnerships, and alliances as an element of funded projects. However, while there is a growing body of knowledge about the factors that support effective negotiation and integration of strategic partnerships, much less is known about the actual outcomes nonprofits experience and how these compare to expected outcomes. Many nonprofits expend large amounts of organizational energy for questionable returns while pursuing interorganizational relationships. Nonprofits often encounter major barriers to collaboration, such as autonomy issues and "turfism," conflicting organizational cultures, and trust-building among organizations.


Responding to these difficult circumstances necessitates adaptations that involve more than merely developing additional financial support.

Leadership Challenges - The health of the nonprofit sector depends on the quality of its executive leadership. Agency leadership, including board members, must be able to raise fundamental questions related to strategy, mission, and accountability, as well as the roles that their organizations play within their communities. For many nonprofits, being responsive to changes in the environment means a heighten need to:

· Determine the most effective way to serve a client population that may be growing or changing;

· Develop strategies and processes to access and manage new funding streams;

· Decide where and how to make budget cuts;

· Develop technology to capture information for reporting and billing;

· Manage cash flow challenges;

· Consider new partnerships, explore possible collaborations, and consider mergers or acquisitions.

Given the challenging changes in the typical nonprofit's task environment, effective board leadership becomes particularly crucial. The issues facing the nonprofit sector underscore the need for responsive, skilled and effective board leadership in maintaining and improving the quality of organizational performance. It is appropriate that nonprofit boards take a leadership role in assisting agency management on critical issues such as mission definition and strategic planning, legal compliance and conflicts of interest, oversight of agency financial management, resource development, establishing interorganizational collaborations, cultivating community relationships, and opportunities for capacity-building training.

Management Challenges - Nonprofit managers are challenged to perform multiple functions and roles as they guide their organizations through today's complex environment. They must be highly skilled not only in the technical aspects of their organizations' mission, but also in management areas such as finance, human resources, information technology, program evaluation, resource development, and many other management responsibilities. Also, an organization's human resources represent the collective capabilities and experiences of its people. Unfortunately, nonprofit organizations are often challenged when it comes to managing staff talent actively. Attracting and retaining skilled staff as well as heightened accountability and competition create a need to develop the specialized business skills and processes that are required of for-profit organizations. Consequently, like their counterparts in the business world, nonprofit managers need to continuously seek out and utilize the latest methods and techniques of organizational management and leadership.


Restating the six identified needs as positive attributes indicates that resilient nonprofits will have:

1. A strong governance structure and visionary board members with the right skills and access to resources.

2. Sufficient and flexible funding.

3. A defined set of best practices in service and management functions and an effective way to measure performance against these benchmarks.

4. A skilled workforce operating in a culture that facilitates opportunities for innovation and growth.

5. Effective community relationships that include collaborative partnerships with other providers, funders and other organizations and systems.

6. Management capacity to support services, including accounting, human resources, technology and marketing/development functions.


Seen from this perspective, there are seven actions that nonprofits can take to achieve these characteristics and address the challenges they face:

1. Undertake an organizational assessment and create a strategic plan to address any capacity deficits.

2. Engage board members to ensure quality governance structures, practices and oversight.

3. Embrace and adopt sound marketing and communications strategies.

4. Build business skill sets and integrate basic business practices and tools.

5. Identify and implement appropriate metrics and make better use of technology to enable evaluation of the success and impact of delivery of services and programs as well as internal operations.

6. Institute progressive human resource practices focusing on skills and team building.

7. Explore and adopt new collaborative business models with complementary organizations.

Major Challenges Facing Nonprofits

Monday, June 18, 2012

Can You Hear Them Now?

What happens when you get the overwhelming urge to act on an idea? Do you pay attention when the same scenario keeps presenting itself? Do you make leaps when all indications are pointed to the fact that it is the right time? If not, perhaps it's time to listen to the signs of the universe. Do you hear them? Most importantly, do they make you act? Those signs are nudges by the universe, designed to keep you on path and steer you towards your goals.

Hope was sick of her job and longed for a way out. She had just learned of an online program that catered to graphic design and it piqued her interest. She liked the idea of learning at home as her schedule allowed. So Hope signed up for the course and waited for the materials to come. She waited, and waited, and waited but they did not come. Totally exasperated she called and cancelled the course. Hope decided that it wasn't meant to be and stuck it out with her day job. Ten months later she ran across an advertisement for the course again. She figured that it had worked out for the best the last time, but decided to give it another try. So she signed up again, or so she thought. About two days later she was contacted and told her credit card had not gone through. She tried two different cards, and none of them worked despite the fact that they were working for her everywhere else. So again Hope decided to put it on the back burner. About six months ago Hope decided that it was time to start making some positive changes in her life. The following week while in the midst of a full-fledged cleaning spree, she uncovered the graphic design course information. She hoped that the third time would indeed be a charm, so she placed her order, waited three days and her course materials actually arrived. Three days earlier than expected.


Hope is half-way through her course and loves it. She intuitively knew that was the right time to pursue her dream. She wasn't near ready the first time. The second time she was almost ready, but not one hundred percent ready to commit. This last time she was totally amped up to succeed.

Can You Hear Them Now?

Would you have reacted the same way as Hope? She may not have known that the universe was working overtime to get her enrolled in her course, but she did intuitively know when to be persistent. If Hope has succeeded in registering the first time she probably would not have completed the course. She was busy at work, her home office as in a state of chaos, and she was physically exhausted. Hope listened and decided to back off. What if the signs kept showing up, seemingly in conflict? Hope figured that it was this course that she needed to take because the same one was recommended to her by several different people. But when she tried to register the second time, the universe would not allow her credit card to be processed, thus she couldn't pay for it. It was lucky for Hope that she didn't commit to the course then, because about 3 months later her car died and she needed to pay for the repairs using the funds that she would have doled out for the course. Conflicting signs? Yup! But for whatever reason it was clear that she was not to take the course at that time.

Learn to look for the signs that show up, and listen to their plan. Contrary to popular belief we juggle way too much, and being able to simply act when we are prompted to do so takes an incredible load off. Answers to problems that we may or may not already be aware of, fall into our laps everyday. Can you remember the last time that happened? Here's a fun exercise. Write down all of the instances that the universe gave you a nudge in the last week. Don't groan, it's just one week. If you do not recall any nudges try getting in a quiet place, closing your eyes, and really meditating on last week. When something seemingly unexpected popped into the forefront and said "Here I am!" Then write it down. Once you get started momentum will take over. Thinking about these moments and writing them down serves three primary purposes.

First it gets you in the habit of learning to recognize these nudges for what they are. Then you can begin to take full advantage of them when they initially occur. Second, it allows you the opportunity to dwell on just how wonderfully the universe is working for you, allowing you the chance to show gratitude. Lastly, reflection allows you to remember the vibrations that were being sent out at the time that the universe responded to you. If what showed up was not what you wanted, this is the prime opportunity to start tweaking the messages that you are transmitting. It's a powerful exercise. Those of you who journal and/or keep gratitude journals will have a heads-up, but it will be just as intense an exercise for you as well.

With a practice and persistence you and the universe will be on the same wavelength. You will be alleviating stress by letting go of problems and you will find that more and more time is being spent on enjoyable tasks. Even things that would have formerly been considered major obstacles will be solved so effortlessly, that you will enjoy the process of putting the solutions in place. No longer will anyone be asking you "can you hear them now?" Your life will be proof-positive that you have eliminated the static, and are receiving messages with such incredible clarity that Verizon will have nothing on you!

Can You Hear Them Now?

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Original Old Fashion Paczki Recipe

This is the original recipe for making paczki that was brought from Europe by my wife's grandmother when she first arrived at Ellis Island and the onward to Pennsylvania where she finally settled.

Just how old this recipe really is I have no idea but the only thing I know is how good the paczki's are.


You must follow this recipe exactly or it will not work well, I know, I have tried to create some shortcuts that were ok but not as good.

The Original Old Fashion Paczki Recipe

This recipe yields 4dozen of the most delicious punczki that you ever had.

Remember all ingredients should be room temperature.


¾ ounce yeast in ¼ cup warm water

warm ½ quart milk

add to the yeast and warm milk 3 cups flour and let rise for about ½ hour to create what is called a sponge.

2.Put together:

½ quart warm milk

¼ lb. Butter

2 tablespoons shortening

½ cup sugar

2 tablespoons whiskey

3.Mix steps 1 and 2 with 6 eggs, pinch of salt, 9 cups flour and mix until you get a really good textured dough.

Let the dough rise until double in size, cut the dough into 2 ounce pieces and form balls.

Place the dough balls on a well oiled flat pan, let them rise for about ½ hour to about ¾ hour.

Fry dough balls in 350 degree oil until well browned on both sides then put them on a brown paper bag to drain the oil form frying.

Let cool for a while and fill using a pastry bag with a tip that has a whole about the size of a pencil, roll in sugar or 10x sugar and enjoy with a hot cup of coffee.

You can fill them with prune leckvar or any jellies that you like.

The Original Old Fashion Paczki Recipe

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Apple iPhone 5 Features And Price

New Apple iPhone 5 features and pricing will surprise all of us. Although it is yet to be released and there is no official information about any specific release date yet, but there is definitely a lot of speculation around it. As per the information, iPhone 5 is scheduled to be released in the summer of 2011, coinciding with Apple's traditional June-July and would release of new iPhone models. As far as I'm concerned, January 2011 also seems to be a nice release date. This can also help Apple correct the antenna problem evident in the current iPhone 4. They can also introduce another version 4 with the rectification rather than waiting for fifth installment.

There are reports that iPhone 5 will definitely have an improved operating system, (iOS 5), which will have the ability to access 4G networks. It will also boast of extremely fast processor (1.5 GHz), improved battery life which will have up to 14 hours of talk time on 3G and 7 hours on AG. The fifth-generation model will also have additional carriers apart from AT&T. Verizon is most likely to be another career. Video chat on 3G and 4G networks will also be a reality, which is currently usable only on WiFi. The groundbreaking face recognition technology and high video resolution ability will also be packed with newer features. And to top it all, a powerful 8 megapixel camera is supposed integrated with iPhone 5. The new phone may also have radiofrequency identification as well. Imagine this, with the feature, you can use the iPhone just like use your credit card. If this happens, you can forget about waiting in the queue at the checkout forever. You can simply pay for your items wirelessly by waving your iPhone over the panel. This is the new patented technology that is going to be introduced by Apple. The patent depicts how a powerful RFID loop can be built into the circuitry of the iPhone or iPod touch screen.


And that's not all, the next iPhone memory is going to be a gigantic 64 GB. It would also include more storage as against the current capacity of a iPhone 4 which only has 16 GB and set it to GB of memory.

Apple iPhone 5 Features And Price

If you thought iPhone for is really sleek and thinner than 3gs, iPhone 5 will surprise you more. It is going to be even thinner than the current one and will have a shiny glass back piece. The screen will be completely scratch and shatterproof. The mobile phone users will be able to assign different tones to different e-mail accounts. True GPS will be built-in too.

Don't fret, here's the good news. The price for the iPhone 5 will be very similar to the current price of iPhone 4.

Apple iPhone 5 Features And Price

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Things to Do in VA Beach

There is a lot to do in Virginia Beach! When I first visited this huge city it was a little uncomfortable trying to find my way around. After living here (and playing here) for many years, I thought it would be helpful to write an article that provided a few pieces of advice for others who may be new to the area like I once was.

The first thing that needs to be mentioned in any article about things to do in Virginia Beach, is the Ocean front! Virginia Beach has the largest pleasure beach in the entire world according to the Guinness Book of World Records. The entire boardwalk along the beach is full of fun stuff to do on a summer day! The shopping includes dozens of gift shops and clothing stores for souvenir collecting if you are looking to take something home with you after your trip.


In addition to the shopping, there is an enormous outdoor concert hall called the Verizon Amphitheater. Located right on the beach, famous bands and musicians come year round for shows that attendees are likely to never forget, right on the sand! The warm Atlantic Ocean atmosphere makes for a concert experience like few other venues can offer.

Things to Do in VA Beach

While in Virginia Beach, you will also want to check out a few of the many malls the city has to offer. The largest of which is the Lynnhaven Mall, just off of the Lynnhaven Parkway. This mall includes everything you would expect from a metropolitan mall, such as a giant AMC movie theater, as well as Dick's Sporting Good's, JCPenny's, and Macy's department stores. The mall is two stories tall, with the second floor focusing mainly on the food court that offers a variety of options that allow anyone in your party to eat exactly what they crave.

Virginia Beach is also home to three major military bases which makes it's large population of nearly half a million people constantly changing. Locals in the area are strong supporters of our military personnel, because much of the population consists of these individuals. Chances are you will run into a military family or two while visiting the beach this summer!

When it comes right down to it, the best way to find things to do in Virginia Beach is to get out there and explore the city. I could give you recommendation after recommendation, but the things you will always remember and enjoy the most are the things you stumble upon with your loved ones while out on the town. I would encourage you to get to know this great city the same way I did; get out of the house and see it for yourself!

Things to Do in VA Beach

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Cheapest Cell Phone Plans

So you're in the market for a new cell phone plan. You start your search online to give you an idea on wireless phone service prices. Free cell phones, the lowest rates, compare prices. Starting to look familiar?

Free cell phone offers and lower rate plans are indeed enticing, but are they really the cheapest cell phone plans? To say they have the cheapest service is also to say they know your calling habits. There is a little more to this than cents per minute.


Isn't the cheapest cell phone plan the one with the smallest bill at the end of each month? It makes sense to me. So how do you find the best plan with the lowest rates that will leave you with a smaller monthly bill?

The Cheapest Cell Phone Plans

Cell phone plans come in two forms. Prepaid, otherwise known as pay as you go, and regular monthly, or post paid plans. When deciding which is best for you, think about how much you'll use the cellular service each month.

Prepaid cell phone plans are great if you will not be using the service very often. If you use your cell phone for emergencies only, you'll benefit from pay as you go since it doesn't cost much to add minutes to your prepaid cell phone and you won't need to top up again for awhile.

Monthly plans are best if you are going to use your service fairly often, since many cell phone services offer unlimited nights and weekends, free mobile to mobile, and a healthy amount of anytime minutes. You can even get a free cell phone with a service agreement.

The secret formula to getting the cheapest cell phone plan is figuring in your usage, plus rates, plus incentives. Incentives being the freebies like free cell phones or free minutes. Find a healthy balance of all three factors, and you'll have your cheapest plan.

The Cheapest Cell Phone Plans

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Whose Phone Number Is This? Find Out Whose Phone Number This Is With Reverse Phone Lookup

You may receive a telephone call from a phone number you don't recognise, and will probably ask yourself, whose phone number is this - especially if you get several anonymous calls from the same phone number. Or perhaps you found a phone number on your spouse or partner's cell phone, or written down on a scrap of paper in their wallet or purse, and you're suspicious of who they might have been talking to. There are several reasons why you might want to find out whose phone number it is.

So, now you've got the phone number, how do you go about putting your mind to rest, or confirming your suspicions one way or another? Well, there are a few things you can do which don't cost anything.


The simplest one, if you're feeling brave enough, is to simply call the number and ask who it is. If you don't want to do this, and a lot of people wouldn't want to, then get a friend to call for you. If you're a girl, get a guy friend to call for you, and if you're a guy, yes, you guessed it, ask a female friend to call the phone number. It's much easier for someone of the same sex as the caller to make that sort of call without attracting the suspicions of the person at the other end. Of course, this method won't always work, especially if the person whose phone number it is doesn't want to be identified.

Whose Phone Number Is This? Find Out Whose Phone Number This Is With Reverse Phone Lookup

So, what next? Well, you could try Googling the number - you never know, you might get lucky, although it's a long shot. While you're on Google, it's probably a good idea to look for some free Reverse Phone Number lookup websites, and give those a try. There are a few of them around, and you might be lucky, but to be honest, the databases they use aren't that comprehensive, and if you think about it, would you give that sort of information away for free if people are prepared to pay for it? Probably not.

This brings us to the most effective way to find out who the number calling you belongs to. You'll need to use a paid Reverse Phone Number Lookup service. They only cost a few dollars, and they are much more reliable and comprehensive than the free services. Look at it this way. If you don't spend just a few bucks now, you could be worrying about the mystery phone number for quite a while, and causing yourself unnecessary stress, just for the sake of the price of a couple of movie tickets. Think about it - it's not that much to pay for peace of mind.

Whose Phone Number Is This? Find Out Whose Phone Number This Is With Reverse Phone Lookup

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Part III - What Do You Most Look For When Selecting A Business Cell Phone (eg Smart Phone, PDA)?

Here's the 3rd and final installment of answers to the question I asked of a large business networking community recently..... "What features/factors do you consider most important when choosing a business cell phone....and why?"

Read on for last shot at enlightenment ( and maybe a smile or 2).


* "In my case I would put the features in the following order:

Part III - What Do You Most Look For When Selecting A Business Cell Phone (eg Smart Phone, PDA)?

- full keyboard (sometimes soft-one is ok)

- UMTS (for roaming)

- good email client

- battery

- touch screen

- GPS (when renting a car)

- USB charger "

* "Here's my simple list:

1) easy to call

2) sync with outlook .... and remember the milk

2) wlan"

* "First and foremost, the phone features must be good (calling, receiving calls, listening to messages..). For me, all other features are just an add-on.

If a phone cannot phone, then it is just a bad mini computer."

* "Ability to run software that can connect to my company's email client server. Our Nokia E-Series phones can run various client, including Blackberry Client and other common company email client servers."

* "For me and my business, first and foremost, I need to have:

- Reliability of signal

- Clear calls

- Strong battery

When I'm on the go, having the following allows me to stay in touch with clients:

- Well-organized contact application

- Easily accessible calendar application

- Good email function

- Good connectivity with the web

- QWERTY keyboard for easy access for my emails

Honestly, the rest is bells & whistles, and while they are fun, it's not essential.

I see the phone is first and foremost a phone. "

* "For me it has been the Nokia E series T111, majorly because of the data access speed. Currently I am looking at HTC. Another to a look out for is the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1. "

* "Will it look like a calculator on the side of my head when I am using it."

* "I use the 8525 and I find it to be a very effective tool in my everyday working life. I can check and write emails, edit excel spreads, and Telnet in and work on the system as need be from my phone. The big display with easy to use Windows functionality makes this phone one of the best for business."

* "We utilize a Sprint BlackBerry 8830 World Edition phone. It is invaluable as we use BlackBerry instant messaging daily, especially for communicating during events. The plan package also includes tethering to your computer (PC or mac!), for use as a data card. We use Rackspace to provide Exchange and BlackBerry Exchange Server functions. It has flawless synchronization with email, calendar, contacts, tasks and notes. Once you add additional (free) applications such as Vigo (mobile RSS reader), Google Maps, Beyond 411, the 'Berry becomes an addiction. Did I mention that it has
a SIM card slot for use internationally?"

* " I use the Samsung SCH-i760 on Verizon because it runs Windows and has a full keyboard (slider). I think Blackberry and Palm leave a lot to be desired from a software standpoint. I used a xV6700 for 2 years and it was good for the same reasons as the Samsung. But the Samsung is much smaller/sleeker and has better performance. I did try a Treo running Windows and the keyboard was too small for me to use comfortably."

* "We are real estate brokers. We have to be mobile... and the phone is one of our very most important tools.

July 1, 2008 in California ..... if you don't have a phone with voice activated dialing you will be breaking the law dialing by hand while you are driving. So I went into my local Verizon store and bought a top of the line Bluetooth headset. I asked them to hook it up to my Treo 750 ... only 3 months old ... and to my surprise ... my phone does not support Voice Activated Dialing.

So now I'm getting ready to trade up to a Blackberry Pearl 8130.

My list would be:

1. Voice Activated Dialing with Bluetooth

2. Stable operating platform compatible with any 3rd party software you

3. Ease of use... ergonomic keyboard and good visibility in all lighting

4. Excellent customer service for when it fails... they all do. "

* "The most important features for me are:

- A large screen for web browsing.

- Office and PDF documents viewing.

- Bluetooth file transfer to send and receive documents, contacts, and large files like videos (I find this to be the iPhones main limitation).

- GPS receiver to save time when finding directions.

- E-mail, SMS, MMS (the lack of MMS is an other big iPhone limitation)

- Good battery life.

- 3G or Edge to browse the web and download e-mails quickly.

- SyncML capability to synchronize the address book, calendar and tasks with an online organizer automatically.

Finally, I think its very important to have good user-friendly software that lets you access every phone function without having to go through too many menus."

* "I really like my AT&T Tilt. It has a qwerty keyboard. Runs Windows. It has the 3G high speed Internet. So I can do email and browse the web very quickly. It also has pocket versions of word, excel, etc...

It has a pretty good camera built in but I rarely use it.

I'm always on it doing email, or on the phone. It's a very smart device. I really don't use my notebook much anymore. "

* "Besides PDA-type functionality like integration with email & calendar applications, I prefer a top-flight phone without a camera. Many companies prohibit visitors from bringing in cameras, which could mean leaving your phone at the front desk as you head in for a meeting. A business phone is no good if you can't take it with you."

* "In my opinion, the single most important factor in choosing a business cell phone is understanding your business objectives. If your business is not reliant on email then a PDA with real time email access will not benefit you one iota. If your business requires instant communication, you will need
push to talk and SMS. One must know what One seeks when looking into any business purchase but particularly its computing devices. In the mobile industry, it is easy to get distracted by the bells and whistles of unnecessary features.

The device which meets my needs is the Palm Treo because I need ease of use, voice quality, instant email and reliable battery. It is also a very useful device for 3rd party applications and has a great support team behind it.

That's it folks ... the end of our 3 part series on what to look for in business cell phones (smart phones and PDAs). Hopefully you saw something that turned a light on for your next business phone...and maybe made you chuckle a bit too.

Remember, for anyone looking for a business phone...drop by Broadband Nation for information and resources.

Part III - What Do You Most Look For When Selecting A Business Cell Phone (eg Smart Phone, PDA)?