Sunday, October 9, 2011

T1 Connection - Speed and Reliability Guaranteed

There is a wide range of choice for the internet and telephone services that you connect to. Some services are suited to regular home users with smaller budgets. Though these services may provide high-speed, they are lacking the reliability that a business would require. For business users, the T1 connection is more ideally suited.

There are some features which are shared with normal DSL connections, such as high-speed data connection. But it is the unique features that make T1 suited to business.


A home connection is normally asynchronous. The download speed will be high, with the assumption that downloads will be used more than uploads, with the upload speed up to two-thirds slower. For a business, where sending large volumes of emails or conducting voice conferences for instance is important, having limited uploads is undesirable - so a T1 provides a synchronous connection instead. Here the upload and download speeds are the same.

Reliability is the most important feature of a T1 connection. A true T1 is a dedicated connection, meaning that it is only yours - you do not share it with anyone. This means that there is no slow down when too many people come online - performance will be consistent.

An SLA (Service Level Agreement) is also standard. This is a contractual agreement with the service provider that they will guarantee an agreed upon level of service. This may include a maximum amount of downtime over the year, or the speed at which they promise to fix faults that occur. In contrast, a home or ordinary DSL connection is unlikely to have such an agreement, which leaves the users at the mercy of the service provider, who may be slow to fix faults.

A T1 will cost more, but the lack of downtime is likely to provide massive savings in productivity over the course of a contract.

T1 Connection - Speed and Reliability Guaranteed

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